Job Site Drainage

Site drainage is a necessary part of nearly every construction project. Xylem understands the battle you face on a daily basis, and is there with you for the duration of your construction dewatering needs, with pumps, equipment and services available for purchase or rent. We are the world leader in tough, portable and reliable pumps for dewatering and drainage applications—known for job site dependability. Most models have strong, lightweight aluminum and stainless steel body parts and feature hardened impellers with nitrile rubber adjustable wear parts for long life. These tough pumps do not require total submersion, and will operate under snore conditions if necessary.

Produtos Marcas
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Uma gama premium de produtos e soluções para movimentar e tratar água e águas residuais.

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Uma abrangente linha de bombas de autoescorvamento totalmente automáticas utilizadas em ap