Rise Above the Data Deluge:
Boost utility transformation
with data integration


Artigo técnico

Using data management to transform operations 

Digital technology is helping utilities revolutionize their operations, delivering efficiencies, lower costs, and better customer service. 

But as the array of digital solutions grows, so too does the range of data sources. Integrating and managing this data is key to maximizing digital solutions. 

This paper explores how water operators can tackle the challenges of data overload and get a 360-degree view of their operations. It also shares stories of innovative utilities transforming their operations through data integration and offers a step-by-step guide for operators interested in harnessing the potential of integrated data. 



"As data sources grow in numbers, integration has become a linchpin for maximizing digital solutions. Connecting data streams can provide water and wastewater operators with powerful insight across their systems, allowing them to quickly identify issues and tackle challenges affordably and sustainably. As water challenges escalate, we can’t afford to ignore the transformative potential of data integration.”



Tim Braun

Vice President
Enterprise Solutions


Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua: Built by utilities, for utilities

By integrating and managing data from any source, Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua offers water operators a complete view of their water and wastewater networks. Providing a single, unified platform that seamlessly integrates and analyzes data from diverse sources, it can rapidly boost digital transformation. By eliminating data siloes, operators can gain 360-degree operational intelligence, allowing them to identify problems, operate efficiently, and deliver water affordably to their communities.