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Taking the rQPOD Out for a Spin With Hypack
Hydrographers from Australia and New Zealand participate in a training to learn more about how to use HYPACK for hydrographic surveying in tandem with SonTek's HydroSurveyor and RiverSurveyor-M9.
The rQPOD includes mechanized hardware that when installed on a floating platform, transforms it into a motorized vehicle for remote shore operation and collection of ADCP data.
The rQPOD system is sold as a complete kit from SonTek, and includes a Torrent Board V7 floating platform, patent-pending motorized system. Combine this light weight convertible platform with a RiverSurveyor-M9 or S5 to measure flow or a HydroSurveyor-M9 and measure bathymetry.