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Sensus PolluTherm® Integrator

Panoramica Industrie & Applicazioni

Integrator / Calculator for Measuring Heating and Cooling Energy

The PolluTherm® integrator measures energy consumption in heating or cooling circuits. PolluTherm can also be used in combined heating and cooling systems where an automatic switch-over point stores heating and cooling energy in separate registers. This switch-over point can be changed in accordance with the heating and cooling system requirements even after the meter has already been installed (e.g., concrete core activation).

The novel casing concept of the PolluTherm offers two slots for upgrade with various modules (e.g., M-Bus or remote reading pulses) at any time for data communication and remote reading.

Benefits to you

  • Simplifies stock-keeping;  input pulse values can also be programmed on-site (order variant without surcharge)
  • Connects temperature sensors Pt 500 in four-wire technology for quick and economic extension of temperature sensor cable (standard)
Caratteristiche del prodotto
  • Compatible with almost any flow sensor type due to 9 different input pulse values (1 litre to 10,000 litres)
  • High-resolution measuring cycles (2 seconds for temperatures, 4 seconds for power and flow rate)
  • Password-protected parameter setting right at the meter itself; no further peripheral equipment needed
  • Comfortable LC-display with eight-digit main reading line and six-figure subordinate reading line;  12 additional symbols support the readout.
  • Up to 3 months backup of main-operated measuring and counting functions in case of external power failure
  • A variety of anytime upgrade plugin modules are available for electronic reading and connection to building automation systems.


In addition to the calibrated main register there are two further registers available:

  • “Cooling” register – automatic switch-over between heat and cool metering
    • This option allows a measurement of the heating as well as of the cooling energy in combined heating and cooling systems, where the cooling energy is stored in the “cooling” register. A so-called “automatic switch-over point”, which depends on the supply temperature as well as on the difference between supply and return temperature, specifies when heating or cooling energy is to be measured. Both values are suitably pre-set in the factory and, in case of need, can be changed on-site according to the system requirements (e.g., in case of concrete core activation). The integrator allows a direct control of the active settings.
  • Tariff register 1
    • This standard tariff register stores the heating and cooling energy respectively, as well as exceeding or falling below programmable limit values (> or ≤) for below system parameters:
      • Heating and cooling power resp.
      • Flow rate of heating and cooling fluid resp.
      • Temperature in the warmer line
      • Temperature in the colder line
      • Temperature difference

The required settings or changes are possible via optical interface at any time