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Flygt’s self-cleaning and energy-efficient chopper pumps are specifically designed for heavy-duty applications and continuous operation with sustained high efficiency in your toughest applications such as wastewater, sludge, and agricultural applications. They deliver unrivaled sustained high efficiency and operational reliability thanks to their unique cutting action.
Flygt F-pumps are available for capacities up to 200 l/s (3200 gpm), with motors from 1.7 to 47 kW (2 to 65 hp) and discharge heads up to 81m (260 ft).
Flygt F-pumps feature patented Flygt N-technology. All components work together without sacrificing the pump's overall hydraulic performance, and the pump efficiency remains consistent without sacrificing its superior solids passing properties. The F-pump cuts through all types of tough and difficult solids, making it virtually clog-free. Flygt F-pumps demonstrate unmatched reliability in installations worldwide. Flygt chopper pumps perform like no other, handling whatever goes down the drain – from plastic bottles, fibrous material and wood to clothing and motor cables. Impeller and cutter plate are made of Hard-Iron™ and Active Seal™ for long service intervals.