The demand for monitoring flow in open channels has evolved. Climate change and water scarcity issues have increased the demand to quantify increasingly smaller flows. In the past, the irrigation community has applied a variety of technologies that might have been "close enough". But today, smart water management authorities know that collecting precise data means saving time, money and our worlds most previous resource - water.
Irrigation systems are used to pump water to the ground and to dry areas. This is especially in focus during dry seasons or periods of drought. Agricultural productivity often depends on efficient and reliable irrigation systems.
Water is taken from surface sources or deep ground water wells. Borehole pumps are used for deep-well pumping. Surface water is used when available. Here the pump sumps are often located in a river or lake where the water is collected. The water can then be distributed by a piped or an open channel system, sometimes many miles long. The required capacity from the pump station often varies a lot during the year. This requires clever solutions for controlling the pumps and making sure that it meets the different demands.
- High pump system efficiency
- High flows
- Great variation in system requirements depending on size and location of operation
- Relatively large differences in levels of utilization experienced over a year