Solving water in dispatchable renewables

Dispatchable renewables are key to meeting net zero targets while maintaining energy security. In our new white paper, we explore the water challenges and solutions of dispatchable renewables, with a focus on small scale hydropower, biogas and green hydrogen. 

With engaging interviews and in-depth research, it explains what needs to change, both from a technological and a policy perspective, to look beyond intermittent renewables to make net zero a reality.

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Biogas - Ein entscheidender Faktor für Europas Wettlauf zu Netto-Null und Energieunabhängigkeit

Lesen Sie in unserem neuen White Paper die Empfehlungen unserer Experten des Biogas-Kompetenzzentrums und die Ratschläge des Europäischen Biogasverbandes, wie Sie hervorragende Gaserträge erzielen und das schnelle Wachstum des Sektors unterstützen können. 

Biogas - umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Energieerzeugung 
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Overcoming the challenges of low-carbon hydrogen generation

The global green hydrogen potential is more than 20 times the estimated global primary energy demand in 2050. However, producing green hydrogen also requires large quantities of water at all production stages: up to 60 kg of water for one kg of hydrogen. 

Efficient and sustainable water management can help offset some of the challenges of green hydrogen generation, helping this promising technology take off. Read more about how Xylem can support this sector in our new white paper. 

Xylem solutions for hydrogen   Download white paper

The huge growth potential of small-scale hydropower (SHP)

“Traditionally, policy has focused on solutions with quick ROI, such as wind and solar, but the untapped potential of sustainable hydropower is astronomical.” - Sylvie Lekieffre, Business Development Manager, Hydroturbines at Xylem.

Learn more about the great benefits of small-scale hydropower in our new white paper about dispatchable renewables. 

Xylem solutions for hydropower   Download white paper