Flygt designs and builds Control Panels for pump control in irrigation systems, sewage, transfer pumping, wastewater lift stations, pump houses, pump chambers, septic tanks, sand filters, pond aerations and fountain control.
Flygt has complete pre-configured panels based on our proven experience as a leader in pump station management technology. These pre-configured panels have fewer options than custom panels, but are optimized for maximum performance, flexibility, lower cost and shortened lead-time.
As an industry leader, Flygt understands how control systems work. Our experience of more than twenty years means we know what works and what doesn't. We are constantly developing new products and improving existing products in response to customer feedback, experience, on site trials and implementation. Flygt provides the best solution for any application, regardless of size, complexity or operational environment.
Custom Panels
Flygt's in-house Engineering Team can design and build custom panels to meet your specialized needs and specifications.
Quality Assurance
Flygt builds quality control systems for municipal and industrial installations of all kinds. From the simplest to the most complex application, we offer full technical and design support while maintaining the highest quality.
We believe quality is the key to your satisfaction - and our success. This ensures reliability, longevity and minimal problems. We've standardized on the best components, equipment and processes based on more than twenty years of experience in control systems. All panel manufacturing is completed in approved panel shops authorized to UL 508a, UL 698a and Canadian CSA standards. Panels are built to strict ISO 9002 manufacturing quality standards.
Each panel, whether pre-configured or custom, is 100% factory tested and simulated under load conditions to exceed our customer's quality and functionality requirements.
Flygt warrants that panels and equipment will be free from defects in material, workmanship and title. Each panel is backed by a full 1-year warranty.