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Sanitaire ICEAS advanced SBR

Specifications Solutions


General Information ICEAS advanced SBR
Flow rate 0.1 to 100+ MGD (300 to 300,000+ m3/d) typical
Applications Removal of BOD, TSS, Ammonia, TN, and TP
Typical pretreatment Coarse screen and grit removal
Batch or continuous feed Continuous feed
Capable of operation with single tank Yes
Variable decant periods Yes, allows reduction in cycle time to treat higher hydraulic loads without reducing the aeration period
Pre-react zone as high F:M selector Yes
Peak hydraulic capacity Can accommodate 6 x average dry weather flow, due to variable decant time and continuous flow design
Shop oxygen transfer test Included
Typical effluent without tertiary filter <10 mg/l BOD and TSS, <5 mg/l TN, <1 mg/l TP
Possible effluent with tertiary filter <5 mg/l BOD and TSS, <3 mg/l TN, <0.1 mg/l TP
Aeration efficiency achievable 6 to 10 lb O2/hr/bHp (4 to 6 kg O2/hr/kW)
Single source of all key equipment Yes, design and supply of aeration and mixing equipment, pumps, blowers, valves, instruments, and controls into a single optimized package
Performance warranties Guarantees for effluent quality or energy consumption available
Decanter ICEAS advanced SBR
Decanter material 304 or 316 SS
Type of decanter Active, Mechanically Driven
Actuator Electro-mechanical screw jack with variable speed motor
Weir visible from basin side wall Yes, operator can visually observe discharged effluent quality
Parts requiring maintenance accessible from the walkway Yes, routine maintenance can be performed without draining basin or taking unit out of service
Scum guard to exclude floatable solids Yes, scum excluded during entire decant cycle
Fail safe overflow protection in case of power outage Yes, decanter parked above top water level acts as an emergency overflow
Seals and bearings Maintenance free, synthetic type
Instrumentation ICEAS advanced SBR
Float and level switches Flygt LTU-40 level transducer and ENM-10 float switch
DO sensor YSI/WTW model FDO 700 IQ
TSS YSI/WTW model ViSolid 700 IQ
WAS flow meter Xylem MJK Products model MagFlux 7200
Ammonia and nitrate sensors YSI/WTW model VARiON Plus 700 IQ
Terminal / controller YSI/WTW model 2020 IQ Sensor Net
Influent Control Valves ICEAS advanced SBR
Requirement Not Required
Aeration Equipment ICEAS advanced SBR
Types of aeration equipment Typically includes Fine Bubble Aeration (Gold Series membrane diffusers or Silver Series II membrane disc diffusers); Coarse Bubble Aeration optional (Stainless steel wide band diffusers), Retrievable Grids optional (Eco-lift retrievable aeration gird)
Air Control Valves ICEAS advanced SBR
Types of air control valves Wafer type butterfly valves with electric motor actuator typical
Submersible Mixers ICEAS advanced SBR
Types of submersible mixers Flygt 4600 Series
Waste Sludge Pumps ICEAS advanced SBR
Types of sludge pumps Flygt submersible non-clog type
Controls, MCC, SCADA ICEAS advanced SBR
Types of controls OSCAR process performance optimizer
Blowers ICEAS advanced SBR
Types of blowers Positive displacement or centrifugal


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