General Information | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Flow rate | 0.1 to 100+ MGD (300 to 300,000+ m3/d) typical |
Applications | Removal of BOD, TSS, Ammonia, TN, and TP |
Typical pretreatment | Coarse screen and grit removal |
Batch or continuous feed | Continuous feed |
Capable of operation with single tank | Yes |
Variable decant periods | Yes, allows reduction in cycle time to treat higher hydraulic loads without reducing the aeration period |
Pre-react zone as high F:M selector | Yes |
Peak hydraulic capacity | Can accommodate 6 x average dry weather flow, due to variable decant time and continuous flow design |
Shop oxygen transfer test | Included |
Typical effluent without tertiary filter | <10 mg/l BOD and TSS, <5 mg/l TN, <1 mg/l TP |
Possible effluent with tertiary filter | <5 mg/l BOD and TSS, <3 mg/l TN, <0.1 mg/l TP |
Aeration efficiency achievable | 6 to 10 lb O2/hr/bHp (4 to 6 kg O2/hr/kW) |
Single source of all key equipment | Yes, design and supply of aeration and mixing equipment, pumps, blowers, valves, instruments, and controls into a single optimized package |
Performance warranties | Guarantees for effluent quality or energy consumption available |
Decanter | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Decanter material | 304 or 316 SS |
Type of decanter | Active, Mechanically Driven |
Actuator | Electro-mechanical screw jack with variable speed motor |
Weir visible from basin side wall | Yes, operator can visually observe discharged effluent quality |
Parts requiring maintenance accessible from the walkway | Yes, routine maintenance can be performed without draining basin or taking unit out of service |
Scum guard to exclude floatable solids | Yes, scum excluded during entire decant cycle |
Fail safe overflow protection in case of power outage | Yes, decanter parked above top water level acts as an emergency overflow |
Seals and bearings | Maintenance free, synthetic type |
Instrumentation | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Float and level switches | Flygt LTU-40 level transducer and ENM-10 float switch |
DO sensor | YSI/WTW model FDO 700 IQ |
TSS | YSI/WTW model ViSolid 700 IQ |
WAS flow meter | Xylem MJK Products model MagFlux 7200 |
Ammonia and nitrate sensors | YSI/WTW model VARiON Plus 700 IQ |
Terminal / controller | YSI/WTW model 2020 IQ Sensor Net |
Influent Control Valves | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Requirement | Not Required |
Aeration Equipment | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Types of aeration equipment | Typically includes Fine Bubble Aeration (Gold Series membrane diffusers or Silver Series II membrane disc diffusers); Coarse Bubble Aeration optional (Stainless steel wide band diffusers), Retrievable Grids optional (Eco-lift retrievable aeration gird) |
Air Control Valves | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Types of air control valves | Wafer type butterfly valves with electric motor actuator typical |
Submersible Mixers | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Types of submersible mixers | Flygt 4600 Series |
Waste Sludge Pumps | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Types of sludge pumps | Flygt submersible non-clog type |
Controls, MCC, SCADA | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Types of controls | OSCAR process performance optimizer |
Blowers | ICEAS advanced SBR |
Types of blowers | Positive displacement or centrifugal |