SafeSmart Backup Controllers provide a complete backup solution including pump control, level alarm, and pump thermal/seal protection for Pump Stations.
The SafeSmart Family consists of three products
- Safe-TL - A backup pump controller used with the FailSafe Probe. It includes a display/keypad, monitors seal and thermal sensors from a pump with outputs for pump, level alarm, and thermal/seal.
- Safe-FSP - Similar to the Safe-TL, but with no seal fault detection or relay output for loss of Probe.
- Safe-FS - A level alarm relay with an output for high level and loss of Probe.
SafeSmart (Safe-TL)
The Safe-TL is the next generation of backup control for Pump Stations. Most wastewater utilities around the world install independent high level backup alarms. A small number have installed backup control via PLC's or level relays. With EPA pressure, and budget cuts for staff, more are looking for a comprehensive money-saving system.
The SafeSmart Backup Controller provides a complete cost-effective single pump backup solution. Typically, a 3-sensor Multitrode Probe is connected to the SafeSmart and installed above the primary level - perhaps close to the imminent surcharge point. In the event of primary level or primary control failure, the Safe-TL can take over pump control - allowing the utility more time to deal with the problem.
Features include:
- Detection of pump thermal problems to avoid potetial pump damage
- Pump control for one pump - either primary or redundant control
- One level alarm - either high or low
- Manual (hand) operation from an external selector switch or keypad
- Pump thermal protection - thermistor or thermal switch or Flyght FLS
- Adjustable delays for pump start/stop and alarms
- Failed Probe detection
- Adjustable conductivity sensitivity for Multitrode Probe
- Parallel operation with MultiSmart
- Seal and thermal protection from Flygt FLS input
- Remote mount keypad
- When used as a backup with an override manual/off/auto switch, the controller will also provide thermal protection in manual mode.
The SafeSmart-FSP Backup Controller (Safe-FSP) provides a complete backup solution including pump control, level alarm and pump protection in a single tightly integrated package.
- Perfect pump control for one pump -either primary or redundant control
- One level alarm - either high or low
- Manual (hand) operation from an external selector switch or keypad
- Pump thermal protection - thermistor, thermal switch or Flygt FLS
- Adjustable delays for pump start/stop and alarms
- Failed Probe detection when used with new FailSafe Probe
- Adjustable sensitivity for MultiTrode Probes
- Parallel operation with MultiSmart
- When used as a back-up with an override manual/off/auto switch, the controller also provides thermal protection in manual mode.
The Safe-FS verifies that the high level alarm is always functioning and:
- Adds failsafe test to the ultra-reliable Probe
- Relays output for loss of Probe - N/O or N/C
- Relays output for high level alarm - N/O or N/C
- Indicates power, level alarm and loss of Probe alarms on LED