Digital technology is helping Unitywater identify leaks across its distribution network, saving millions of liters of water for its community.
Operating in the subtropical climate of Southeast Queensland, Unitywater faces the dual challenge of a rapidly growing population and increasingly unpredictable rainfall. To conserve resources and secure supply, reducing the amount of water lost before it reaches the customer is a strategic priority.
The utility deployed a Smart Meter Network trial of 1,000 digital water meters.
The success of this trial led to the broader rollout of more than 10,000 meters across its 6,300-kilometer distribution network, with pressure and acoustic leak-detection monitoring. As of April 2023, the project has saved customers more than $1.3 million AUD through more accurate readings.
The program has saved more than 286 million liters of water for the community.
“We learned a lot from our initial 1000-meter pilot project before launching the smart meter network as a second step. Smart water meters have been a sustainable decision, both environmentally and financially,” - Daniel Lambert, Unitywater Executive Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions
Unitywater identified a specific challenge and tackled it through the shaping of a digital strategy. By focusing on the problem to solve, the utility could make targeted investments that address operational and community goals.