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  • Let Avensor Watch Out For You

    Xylem Avensor is a cloud based digital app providing alerts and data driven insights for pump stations and water infrastructure assets

Xylem Avensor - smart solution for pump stations and water infrastructure assets

Avensor is a digital service that provides alerts and data-driven insights from a device connected to your pump stations or other water infrastructure assets.

Once a modem is installed to connect all the assets, you can have a total overview of all connected operations, anytime, anywhere.


What makes Avensor more than a real-time monitoring & alarm app?

Avensor enables fast and smart action

Avensor is a digital solution for monitoring assets like pumps, mixers, UV units and other equipment. Avensor collects and analyzes data from your assets to give you live data, trends and alerts via the web and our mobile app. Think of Avensor as an easy-to-use SCADA system with plug-and-play installation. You get the right data when you need it, and you can make smarter decisions about how your resources are used.

Avensor in Xylem Monitoring & Control Solutions 

See real life applications and how Avensor could mix-and-match with other Xylem solutions:

Let Avensor watch out for you

Avensor Case Study: Port of Trelleborg

Contact us to get your facility connected with Avensor

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