- UV system suited for disinfection of wastewater, aquaculture, process water, and water reuse in open channels
- 1,000 m³/h (6.5 MGD) maximum flow rate
- Validated performance by state-of-the-art bioassay in compliance with USEPA’s UVDGM (2006), IUVA Protocol (2011)
- High efficiency Ecoray UV lamp and ballast technology
- OptiDose Control - Xylem's Wedeco true intensity based control philosophy using an ÖNORM-certified UV intensity sensor
- EcoTouch - operator-friendly UV system controller with SCADA communication
- Chemical-free, automatic, mechanical wiping system
- Modular system and numerous features for customized design
Energy efficient and easy to maintain
Xylem's Wedeco TAK 55 Smart UV system makes the disinfection of low wastewater flows as easy and cost-effective as possible, without any compromise in quality or flexibility. The TAK 55 Smart is the perfect fit for small to medium effluents of varying wastewater qualities, from sewer overflows to tertiary wastewater reclamation.
The TAK 55 Smart lamp modules are engineered for long-term use, while the compact UV lamp arrangement allows for highly concentrated power in a small space. The result is guaranteed disinfection performance even with larger volume flows and low UV transmittance (UVT) from the wastewater.
For improved economics and maximum sustainability, TAK 55 Smart units employ low-pressure, high-output, amalgam Ecoray UV lamps and ballasts. The low lamp count, coupled with the long service life of Ecoray lamps, result in exceptionally low maintenance costs. Used in combination with the variable power option, the Ecoray technology results in excellent energy efficiency under all operating conditions. Particularly in dimmed mode, they realize average energy savings of up to 20% compared to existing technologies. Additionally the sensor-controlled OptiDose monitors operating conditions in real time, including flow, UV transmittance, and UV intensity. Then, with proven control logic, OptiDose adjusts the energy consumption to the minimum needed to meet dosing requirements. No assumptions are made regarding process parameters, ensuring cost savings and disinfection confidence at all times.
The Wedeco TAK 55 Smart UV system also maximizes operator usability with minimum maintenance. The EcoTouch controller unifies all sensor signals, alarms, SCADA connectivity, and OptiDose closed loop control for easiest monitoring and control.
Customizable, ready-to-assemble systems
Ready to assemble, the TAK 55 Smart is available in seven sizes to match specific site requirements. It can either be installed into a concrete channel or comes together with a stainless steel channel. Beside single bank arrangements, double UV bank arrangements are possible for redundancy or higher dose requirements.
Electric components like ballast cards are separated from UV lamp modules for easy maintenance and operational stability. Cabinets are rated for both indoor and outdoor service, even at high ambient temperatures, with an optional stainless steel enclosure and air conditioning, providing flexibility in plant construction or retrofitting.
Cleaning is simple and safe thanks to the TAK 55 Smart’s automatic, chemical-free wiper system. The excellent cleaning performance of the wiping system has been confirmed by independent institutions and significantly reduces the formation of deposits.
To meet the highest UV disinfection standards, the system has been extensively tested in line with the latest IUVA protocol for the disinfection of secondary treated effluents. It even meets the most stringent validation requirements as outlined in the USEPA’s UVDGM (2006). With its validated dose design, Xylem can fine tune the design to match water quality, operating conditions and discharge requirements. This approach ensures that the system design is not over sized or under sized. Online UV intensity monitoring assures continuous performance monitoring and operational cost reductions when OptiDose control is applied.
The TAK Smart is the perfect fit for small wastewater treatment plants looking for an economic and environmentally sound disinfection process.